New PodCastle Narration

I know I really need to do an wrap-up post about Road Trip 2013 and I promise I will (not so much for you, but for myself to think through and process some more of what I experienced). But in the meantime, I am very excited about this week’s story on PodCastle, Selected Program Notes from the Retrospective Exhibition of Theresa Rosenberg Latimer by Kenneth Schneyer. Not only because I’m the narrator, but also because it’s the type of fantasy story that I love: subtle, poignant, sad, & joyful. This is my third full length story I’ve narrated for PodCastle, as well as reading a short, flash fiction piece and taking a character role in our 200th full cast episode. As the sound producer, I take great pride in the show and in being part of an organization that helps bring stories to thousands of people each week. I have previously enjoyed the stories that I narrated, but there is something special about this one and I can only hope that my narration serves the story well. I hope you will give it a listen and if you like it, let others know about PodCastle and also let Mr. Schneyer know that you enjoyed it. Thanks.

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